Tvarkaraščiai 2023-2024 m. m.
Pamokos Pradžia (val.) Pabaiga (val.) Pertraukos trukmė (min)
1 8.00 8.35 20
2 8.55 9.30 20
3 9.50 10.25 30
4 10.55 11.30 30
5 12.00 12.35 -
Pamokos Pradžia (val.) Pabaiga (val.) Pertraukos trukmė (min)
1 8.00 8.45 10
2 8.55 9.40 10
3 9.50 10.35 20
4 10.55 11.40 20
5 12.00 12.45 -
Pamokos Pradžia (val.) Pabaiga (val.) Pertraukos trukmė (min)
1 8.00 8.45 10
2 8.55 9.40 10
3 9.50 10.35 20
4 10.55 11.40 20
5 12.00 12.45 10
6 12.55 13.40 10
7 13.50 14.35 -

Paskelbta: 2021-02-17
Peržiūros: 1166
Kategorija: Erasmus

Šeštų klasių savaitės veikla Lietuvos klimato kaitos tema

2021 m. sausio 18-22 dienomis mūsų progimnazijos 6 klasėms buvo organizuota savaitė skirta klimato kaitos reiškiniams Lietuvoje. Visą savaitę 6a ir 6b klasės mokiniai geografijos, dailės ir anglų kalbos pamokose visapusiškai analizavo klimato kaitos reiškinius. Geografijos pamokoje jie gvildeno klimato kaitos priežastis ir pasekmes, gilinosi į tai, kaip senoliai anksčiau spėdavo orus, diskutavo apie senelių laikmečio žiemas, lygino jas su šių dienų žiemomis. Per dailės pamoką ir namuose mokiniai 2 savaites kūrė koliažus, išryškindami ankstesnių ir dabartinių žiemų skirtumus. Anglų kalbos pamokoje šeštokai ne tik angliškai pasakojo apie geografijos pamokose išgirstus faktus apie klimato kaitos reiškinius, dalinosi pasakojimais ir mintimis apie senelių ir šių dienų žiemas, bet ir įdomiai aprašė, ką išgirdo / sužinojo.

Šeštų klasių mokiniai įrodė, kokie jie yra sumanūs, žingeidūs ir neabejingi aplinkosaugos klausimais.


Lithuania’s climate
Lithuania’s current climate is much more changed than it used to be. Winters used to be very cold, there was a lot of snow. The flowers started to bloom during the summer, the weather was not so hot. The birds flew in time. Now we have hot summer days, birds don’t fly in time, the flowers begin to bloom earlier and the temperature rise.

/Domilė, 6a/


Climate change in Lithuania
The climate has changed a lot these days. There was a lot of snow in the winter many years ago, nowadays there is almost no snow. It started to snow in the spring and summer. The same is true with plants, they begin to grow in the cold season. Flowers, berries and buds began to bloom in winter.

/Gustė, 6a/


The weather used to be
In the past, the winters were cold and there was a lot of snow. The snow was everywhere and it was necessary to dress vey warmly. All the rivers and lakes were frozen.

Current weather
The climate temperature is higher than it used to be. Winters are not so cold. Summers are hotter, drier and more changeable with rainstorms or huge winds.
Now the weather in Lithuania is very cold but it’s difficult to guess what it would be tomorrow.

/Ignas, 6a/


Winters now and before
When my mom and dad were little the world was a bit different. In the winter there was more snow and the summer wasn’t so tropical. This is happening because the sun is heating more atmosphere but not ground and it makes greenhouse effect. Last year there wasn’t any snow and now the summers are tropical. At the day time it’s hot but at night it’s very cold and rainy .

/Jonas, 6a/


Climate change remembered by grandparents and parents.
The summers were very warm and dry, the winters cold, lots of snow and drizzle. There was a lot of rain in the fall. In the heat of summer, even for a week it was extremely hot and dry. It was very snowy in the winter so it was very difficult to get to school. Mom said it was still snowing one year during Easter.

My recollected climate change
Summers weren’t that warm and if it was only for a few days. Winters weren’t that cold and there wasn’t that much snow. Not so much rain in the fall. I remember on my birthday, March 17, there was still some snow left. In winter, the cold only kept for a few days.

/Kasparas 6a/


Different winters
In my climate change drawing I meant to show that nowdays the snow stays longer and it‘s colder. If we go a little back to the past year, there was almost no snow and the weather was warmer. Nowadays flowers start to boom earlier, snow comes like a shower, some parts of grass are really dry and more often catch fire.

/Patricija 6a/


The weather used to be
In the past, the climate was cooler. Winters were very cold and there was a lot of snow. The snow only melted in the spring. Spring was cooler and with frosts even sometimes in June. Summers were warm, humid, and hot. In the fall it rained and was wet until it froze.

Current weather
The climate temperature is higher than it used to be. Winter is not so cold and it is changeable sometimes, it is plus or minus temperature. Spring is longer and drier. And with higher temperatures than summer. Summers are hotter and drier and changeable with rain storms or huge winds. Autumn is longer and drier and less rainy.
These days, it’s hard to predict the weather because the climate is changeable.

/Paulius 6a/


Human-cause climate change
Human activity is the main cause of climate change. People burn grass and trees. Effects that scientists had predicted in the past would result from global climate change are now occurring: loss of sea ice, accelerated sea level rise and longer, more intense heat waves. NASA is an expert in climate and Earth science. Earth's climate has changed throughout history. Increased heat, drought and insect outbreaks, all linked to climate change have increased wildfires. go to this website to learn more about climate change and global warming.

/Vesta 6a/

9. 9-1.

/Mėta B. 6a/

Šeštokų mintys klimato kaitos tema.